Project SvN: Final Sign-Off

(Imported from old site; original post: Thursday, October 4, 2012)


This morning, at around 11am, I was able to do the final sign-off. And no, I’m not talking about a check with a large amount written out (though, that happened, too). I am talking about the sign-off to the final patent draft and final patent drawings. YES!

It pleases me greatly to finally be able to reveal the invention that I have just patented…in the next post. Suspense!

Actually, the suspense is intentional and unintentional at the same time…nah. It’s fully intentional. But I’m not telling you now for a reason. See, while everything is complete on my end, I have yet to view the receipt from the USPTO that everything was received by them. This will grant me a patent number, as well as an assurance than anything filed after me that possibly infringes on my ideas will not be allowed to pass because I have already claimed those rights.

However, it works the other way around, too. Patent applications (which is what my patent actually is until it is approved by a patent agent) do not show up on patent searches. So, while my attorneys were not able to find anything really similar to my invention in their search, there could be a patent application sent before mine that does get approved that possesses eerily similar claims to mine. This, of course, would result in me not being able to patent those claims.

It seems nothing in life is without its gamble.

But only those that take the gamble have a chance.

A chance at success.

And at failure.

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