Category Archives: Progress Report

Generic Project Update: Round 2

(Imported from old site; original post: Sunday, July 15, 2012)

update symbol2

Today’s To-Do LIst:
Begin printing parts on 3D printer.
Discover spaghetti mess.
Lose religion because of anger invoked.
Print more (of the same) parts.

Sunday, bloody Sunday. That is today. But all the aggravation is over now, and now I am looking toward the week ahead. I decided to roughly calculate the progress on each of the projects. The project names/numbers are still the same as they were from the last update, and new ones, of course, have new names.

Project Name                  Progression Level

Project PHB                    33%

Project Bee                     20%

Project BNo                     70%

Project ShG                     5%

Project BCH                    55%

Project SvN                     40%

Project ORI                      20%

So I guess the aggravation isn’t over now, seeing that the main project–Project PHB–is wayyyyyy behind (should be 2/3 done by now, not 1/3). I’m beginning to see why it hasn’t been invented yet. That’s okay, though, because I will persevere on this and all the other inventions!

Just can’t let up.

And I won’t.

Never do.

Generic Project Update

(Imported from old site; original post: Tuesday, June 12, 2012)

update symbol

So I’ve decided to start posting about the progress of my various projects. Even though I still can’t go into details about what they are, that just means I get to fulfill a childhood desire: coming up with code names for things and making you go by them. It’s a good day!

So, here is a list of the projects and their approximate progression level. I’ll never change the names in future updates, so whatever the names are now, they’ll stay that way until I actually reveal what they are; easier to keep up with this way.

Project Name                  Progression Level

Project PHB                    10%

Project Bee                     15%

Project BNo                     55%

Project ShG                     1% (just started)

Project BCH                    35%

So I’m not too far on anything, but I’m moving right along! And considering some of these projects were started just a couple of weeks ago, I think I’m doing pretty good!